The Zip-Scene Conference takes XR/extended reality (VR/AR/MR) and Metaverse-related works seriously and treats them on equal footing to film and performing arts, and wishes to expand its scientific treatment and reflection. On this basis, we are inviting papers that address narrative experiences enabled by digital platforms, especially online and XR or related to the Metaverse. We are also looking for IDN practices and prototypes from medical and mental healthcare practices that could offer new approaches on how storytelling can be embedded in scientific practices. Papers should address either one or several of the following topics:
Interactive storytelling methods and authoring
Video games
Virtual reality experiences & movies
Augmented reality in interactive storytelling
Interactive performing arts practices
Interactive museums and archives
Immersive environments (media archeology and phenomenological approach)
Special track #1: Empathy in VR creations
Special track #2: Ethical measures and their application possibilities
Call for presentation
Proposals may be for a paper/panel and should be related to at least one of the conference themes. Deadline for submitting the proposals is July 15, 2023. Please send us your abstract (max. 350 words) and a short bio (max. 300 words) by filling in this form: The papers will be reviewed by the conference committee. If you want to submit a panel, please fill in the sheet for each presentation of the panel and mention the title of panel. If your proposal will be accepted you will be given 20 minutes for your presentation.