A worldwide mapping of projects and exhibitions on the intersection of art, science, technology and society

CTM festival - 2024
CTM 2024 is titled »Sustain« – a weird and fascinating word that touches opposite polarities of the contemporary experience as it speaks of the empathy and determination through which we survive

Project Grants - Open Humans ecosystem
Projects can work with members in a variety of exciting ways – help members add new data sources, or share new ways to explore existing data

An Evening With: Donna Haraway, Bruno Clarke and Rosi Braidotti
An Evening With is a monthly series of talks featuring emerging and established international voices in design, architecture and digital culture.

Enter New Babylon
Enter New Babylon explores the possibilities and limitations of the future world. Through a theatrical production and with the help of VR and mixed reality, young 'spoken word' artists and designers delve into the mysteries of Constant Nieuwenhuys’ New Babylon.

Practices of Digital Resilience & Permacomputing
A temporary amplifying stage for researchers, creators, artists, designers, cultural workers and all those interested in computation to try reimagine, rebuild, and rewild our approach to computational culture and aesthetics.

{class} – On Consequences of Algorithmic Classification
What happens if you give insight into how algorithms sort? Can a transportation optimization algorithm teach us something about our connection to other human bodies? Can an image surveillance system give new insights on animal migration?

Our Impact on Ecosystems
In “Our Impact on Ecosystems”, the hybrid and poignant projects by Richard Mosse and Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg demonstrate how technological and artistic innovations can be intertwined.

Calculating Empires: A Genealogy of Technology and Power, 1500-2025
“Calculating Empires” is an exhibition conceived by Kate Crawford and Vladan Joler charting our technological present by depicting how power and technology have been intertwined since 1500.

Call for participation: Cumulus Beijing 2023: Narratives of Love
The 2023 Cumulus Beijing conference will be hosted by the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing, China in November, with the theme of this year's conference being "NARRATIVES OF LOVE ——TOWARDS HEALING, TRANSFORMATION AND TRANSCENDENCE”.

For Data You Are, And To Data You Shall Return
“For Data You Are, And To Data You Shall Return” is an online exhibition of generative, video and gamified works exploring diverse perspectives surrounding digital death, renewal and reincarnation in the virtual domain.

The Digital Period
Judith Zoë, a public philosopher, examines our relationship with technology through conducting a series of conversations about period apps with experts and individuals.

Impakt Festival
There will be discussed how we, as digital users, can take back control over our data and get more agency over the technologies we are so dependent on.

XR Camp - Extended Worlds
Extended Reality (XR) undeniably impacts the world in which we live, but we need to ask ourselves how to take the helm and consider if and how we can shape it. How can we become active co-creators of the whole plethora of new realities unfolding before us?

Digitale Welten Festival
With a program of different workshops, digital artists will take you on a search for the political dimensions, technical functionality and social consequences of our analogue-digital world.

Art Tech Fun AI Robots eGirls Manifestations
During Dutch Design Week, Manifestations shows artists who, in a funny, spectacular or controversial way, examine the (mis)matches between people and technology and ask how technology can contribute to a sweeter, more humane world.

Design & AI Symposium 2023 SHAPING THE FUTURE(S)
AI has captured the imagination of the public, science and industry, but it also poses new risks and potentials that are reshaping human relationships with technology, labor, creativity, and the environment. Can design help ensure that these systems are practical, just, sustainable and used for the benefit of society?

Call for speakers - Datafest Tbilisi
DataFestTbilisi is on the lookout for speakers for its 7th edition! If you have data-related experience, take the spotlight!

As artificial intelligence promises to be a major phenomenon of our time, this festival offers the public the opportunity to understand how the various intelligences make up our world — human, artificial, animal, plant and planetary.

REBOOT - Pioneering Digital Art
Twenty ground-breaking digital artworks from the Netherlands, which helped define our societal relationships with technology, are on display, alongside new works by ten makers who take inspiration from them in looking towards the future.

Imagine: A Journey Into the New Virtual
/imagine: ("imagine") is the command that allows users to design their own architectural utopias with the Midjourney software. Based on descriptive text, an AI generates images that can be infinitely varied.

Research Networking Day at CTM Festival - Open Call for Presentations
an exchange platform for graduate or postgraduate students – as well as independent artists conducting self-guided research – traversing the fields of music, sound, arts, media, design, and related theoretical disciplines.

Open Call: Realities In Transition
How we experience digital content is changing rapidly with the emergence of extended reality, or XR. Apply for a residency at iMAL within the context of “Realities In Transition”

Trolling AI Doomerism & Longtermism
For the closing meetup of the ARTIVISM programme, we invite artists, technologists, activists and investigative journalists to take active part in a guided debate on AI Doomerism and human extinction

Open call Artists and Image-Makers: representative visual language for AI
Calling Artists and Image-Makers! 🦩 Let's challenge stock photo clichés and reshape the way we see AI and ML.

Data Centre Tour
A Walk around Google and Microsoft’s Hyperscale Data Centre in the Wieringermeerpolder

Capture #2
CAPTURE #2 is the second part of a series of exhibitions designed to make visible the diversity and creativity of digital arts on Belgian territory. The exhibition presents recent projects by nearly 20 artists based in Wallonia, Brussels and Flanders, exploring digital mediums to capture and transcribe the world in their own way.

Artsformation Summit: Mobilising the art for an inclusive digital transformation
How do the arts intertwine with our digital transformation? Artists, researchers, activists, DJs and academics from across Europe will come together to explore the power of the arts, technology and creative practices to drive sustainable and inclusive futures.

Open Call - Supporting Act Foundation
For community-driven non-profits using arts for social change, particularly those supporting emerging artists from underrecognised groups.

School for Poetic Computation Logo
SFPC is an alternative school for art and technology.

Experimental and at the same time critical examinations of the urgent questions of our time as well as concrete solutions to shape our social future.