Art presentation at EDRi's 20th birthday

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of EDRi at Bozar, Privacy Salon has been presenting the art work:

Anatomy of an AI System

The Amazon Echo as an anatomical map of human labor, data and planetary resources

By Kate Crawford 1 and Vladan Joler 2

·       Authors: Kate Crawford and Vladan Joler

·       Maps and design: Vladan Joler and Kate Crawford

·       Published by: SHARE Lab, SHARE Foundation ( and The AI Now Institute, NYU (

·       Full citation: Kate Crawford and Vladan Joler, “Anatomy of an AI System: The Amazon Echo As An Anatomical Map of Human Labor, Data and Planetary Resources,” AI Now Institute and Share Lab, (September 7, 2018)

·       Acknowledgements: Our deep thanks go to Michelle Thorne and Jon Rogers at the Mozilla Foundation, who invited us to a retreat in summer 2017 where we first conceptualized this project. Thanks to Joana Moll and Meredith Whittaker for their inputs and inspirations on the first drafts of this text. Thanks also to all those who have given feedback, support and insights since, including Alex Campolo, Casey Gollan, Gretchen Krueger, Trevor Paglen, and Sarah Myers West at the AI Now Institute and Olivia Solis, Andrej Petrovski, and Milica Jovanovic at the SHARE Lab and all the wonderful folks from SHARE Foundation.


DAG March 2023 Newsletter


Preliminary Programme available - CPDP2023