Recordings are out

The Peeking beyond the Ending recordings are available on our Youtube channel now!

Peeking beyond the Ending - Panel1: Technology as Cultural Carrier Bag

Panel 1 – Technology as Cultural Carrier Bag

Time: 14:00- 15:15 CET

How do artists subvert the “linear, progressive, Time’s-(killing)-arrow mode of the Techno Heroic”? Guided by Ursula K. Le Guin’s perspective, this panel explores ways of narrating a future with technology that is not necessarily Promethean or apocalyptic.

Moderator: Anastasia Karagianni

Speakers: Jerry Galle - Dasha Ilina - Ginevra Petrozzi

Peeking beyond the Ending - Panel2: Data-centered Bodies

Panel 2 – Data-centered Bodies

Time: 15:30-16:45 CET

How does the intricate relationship between human bodies and data challenge conventional notions of embodiment and autonomy? Human flesh intertwines with the binary, birthing a new paradigm of existence. As boundaries blur and the essence of being is rewritten in lines of code and strands of DNA, our futures are shaped at the intersections of biology and digitalisation.

Moderator: Ine Van Zeeland

Speakers: Roel Heremans - Griet Verhenneman - Erik Laes

Peeking beyond the Ending symposium - Panel3: Peeking beyond E-waste

Panel 3 – Peeking beyond E-waste

Time: 16:45-18:00 CET

As technological progress continues unabated, electronic waste continues to accumulate. It is often shipped to underdeveloped countries worldwide, away from Western scrutiny. At what point do we define something as waste, and what does our approach to handling it reveal about ourselves?

Moderator: Marleen Wynants

Speakers: Joren Peeters - Becky Kazansky - Teresa Fernández Pello


Privacy Salon at CPDP LatAm2024


CPDP Wrap up