Featuring performances by Lili Huston-Herterich, Ami Xherro, Fan Wu, Shima Raeesi, and Hannia Cheng. The impetus for this event is an ongoing and unfolding dialogue that Lili and I have been having around expanded forms of citation in an artistic practice. How do we account for and recognize the influence of personal relationships, lineages, and sociality on artistic production? Lili has been engaging with these questions in an ongoing project called A System of Radical Dependency and I am thrilled to see how this notion is interpreted through the frame of performance—either directly or obliquely—by all those involved in this event. This program runs in conjunction with Keeping Time with the Unrest, a two-person exhibition by Lili and Katharina Cameron at Zalucky Contemporary.
June 20, 2023 from 7:30pm-9:00pm at Tail of the Junction (3367 Dundas St W, York, ON M6S 2R9)