Call for Chapters

Call for Chapters for the Conference Book

Latest submission: Friday, 26 July 2024

The working title of this new volume is 'Data Protection, Privacy and Artificial Intelligence: To govern or to be governed, that is the question'. Contributors are invited to submit an academic contribution to the book that will also publish the best papers that were presented in the Academic paper track.

Academic contributions to the book should have a minimum of 5,000 and a maximum of 12,000 words and must be submitted anonymously via Easychair. Request your access here.

Authors who have already submitted to the CPDP Conference call for papers will have their papers automatically submitted for the book. All other authors should request their access here.  

Latest submission by: 26. July 2024.

Our ambition is to have the seventeenth book ready and available before the next CPDP conference – i.e., May 2025 – which means that the review process will take place in the months of August and September, and that we will look to finalise the manuscript before the second week of October.

All the proposed contributions will be submitted to a scientific peer review process coordinated by the editors of the volume. Editors will then feed comments back to the authors, who will then have the chance to offer their rebuttals. The reviewers will also be asked to check if authors have respected the Chicago Reference Style (see point 8 below) and the quality of English (see point 3 below).

Please let us know as soon as possible if you intend to submit a contribution. This will help us plan further work on the volume.

Submissions here:


CPDP Wrap up


Introducing: at 2024